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Claims are scary like the storms that caused them, clouds, sunset, orange and dark clouds
Everest Consulting, ecclaims logo


License #2561780

Phone: (214) 233-5304


License #W832275

Phone: (214) 233-5304 

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Public Adjuster fighting for policy holder
Public Adjuster overturning a denied commercial claim from tornado damage
Public Adjuster increasing claim payout
Public adjuster handling investors multiple properties
getting floors, walls, cabinets and granite countertops replaced after water damage claim
commercial roof replacement after carrier issued  under deductible letter
Public Adjuster turning a denial into a full tile roof replacement
Public adjuster increasing scope of work to full floors, and a full roof replacement after Hurricane damage
Underpaid insurance claim turned into over $400,000
Insurance claim for water damage from Hurricane, and wind damage to roof and fence
public adjuster getting  full roof replacement after hail storm
Water Lake Landscape

We fight for You; the Homeowner, The Insured, The Business Owner. You signed a contract. They signed the contract. Now lets make them pay.

EC Claims is dedicated to empowering policyholders, property owners, and tenants to receive the rightful settlements they are entitled to. Our team of experts work closely with clients to fully understand their insurance claim and provide a comprehensive assessment of damages to their property. We are committed to guiding clients through the claims process and ensuring they receive a fair and prompt settlement within the time frame specified in their policy. Don't hesitate, contact us today for claim and policy review and let us help you achieve the settlement you deserve.


You paid your premiums, you should get paid on your claim.

If you need help with a insurance claim now, please submit your information by clicking the "request our assistance" button at the top of bottom of the page.

Our tools give us the strength to fight the uphill battle of an insurance claim.

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