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Claims are scary like the storms that caused them, clouds, sunset, orange and dark clouds
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Image by Samuel Ferrara

3D Modeling

Click on the image and you can virtually walk through the entire property.


We utilize various 3D scanning technologies to document damage during the insurance claims process. By creating a detailed and accurate 3D model of the property, we can identify all areas affected by the damage. This ensures that all damage is correctly documented, which may lead to a higher settlement for the homeowner. Furthermore, 3D models like these can expedite the claims process by allowing remote inspection, enabling adjusters to review damages from their desks in other states.

Drone Maps

Drone mapping and 3D modeling can be incredibly useful in the insurance claims process for several reasons:

  1. Increased accuracy: Drones can capture high-resolution images and data that can be used to create detailed 3D models of properties. This helps insurance adjusters and property owners better understand the extent of damage or loss, and can improve the accuracy of damage assessments.

  2. Speed and efficiency: Drone mapping and 3D modeling can significantly reduce the time it takes to assess a property. Instead of manually inspecting a property, which can take days or even weeks, a drone can capture the necessary data in a matter of hours. This speeds up the claims process and helps property owners get the help they need faster. However, in 95% of cases, manual inspection is still necessary as our microscopes don’t fly themselves!

  3. Improved safety: Drones can access areas that may be unsafe or difficult to reach for humans, such as high roofs or damaged buildings. By using drones to capture data, insurance adjusters and property owners can avoid putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations.

  4. Visual aids for communication: 3D models created from drone data can be incredibly useful in communicating the extent of damage or loss to property owners and insurance adjusters. By having a visual representation of the property, everyone involved in the claims process can better understand the situation and work together to reach a proper settlement. We create 3D models of both the inside and outside, with detailed up-close photos and videos of the damage. In the worst-case scenario where a claim has to go down the legal road, these models can significantly affect the outcome of a judgement.

Thermals, Moisture mapping, Microscopes

At EC Claims, we employ state-of-the-art tools to assess and document damage found on various claims. We use the best thermal cameras, moisture mapping tools, and microscopes to identify the extent of the damage. Moisture meters can help identify areas of the structure that have been affected by water damage due to firefighting efforts. Thermal imaging can be used to identify areas of the structure that have been affected by heat and smoke, or to find leaks through a roof caused by a recent hail storm that may not be visible to the naked eye. Microscopes can help identify penetrations that adjusters may categorize as cosmetic damage but are in fact more severe. By using these tools, EC Claims can ensure that all damage is properly documented and that policyholders receive the settlement they are entitled to.

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