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Claims are scary like the storms that caused them, clouds, sunset, orange and dark clouds
Everest Consulting, ecclaims logo
Purple Skies

Our Public Adjusting service offers an average 50% increase in claim payouts, simply because we provide 250% more documentation than the other guy.

We will need to review your policy and any other available information before pursuing a fight with the carrier on your behalf. 

Our Fee is simple. We only charge 10% of any new funds we get approved for your claim.

Example; You've been paid $10,000 by the carrier and it was not enough, so we got you an additional $50,000. You would owe us $5,000. Some states may differ in how we can bill you for our service, it will be clearly stated in the contract.

Please fill out the form and we will be in touch soon! It is essential we get your policy before diving into your claim. If you do not have it available, that is the first thing we ask for from the carrier.

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